As a New Jersey Realtor®, you’re a member of an organization of over 58,000 real estate professionals who have pledged to protect the individual rights of property owners, serve the community, represent their clients through knowledge and experience, and be honest and honorable in all dealings.
The Realtor® Organization
The term Realtor® is a registered mark of the National Association of Realtors® and can only be used by members of the Realtor® organization who subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics. All three levels of the Realtor® organization–local, state, and national–are here to help you succeed.
Join the Realtor® Family
When you join the Realtor® family, you also gain exclusive access to valuable tools and services only available to Realtor® members, including:
If you are not already a member of New Jersey Realtors®, you can find contact information for all the local boards in New Jersey to sign up in your area.
Government Affairs