The New Jersey Realtors® Issues Mobilization Fund (IMF) was formed in 2016, consolidating the Issues Mobilization Political Action Committee and Governmental Research Foundation into one body. The goal of IMF is, first, to research issues surrounding land-use policies, matters impacting property owners and the New Jersey real estate industry. Second, to provide a funding to local boards/associations and New Jersey Realtors® to raise public awareness and support for issues important to the real estate industry and their communities.
IMF funds are used to promote or end state legislation, local ordinances, or other governmental actions impacting the rights of private property owners and Realtors®. Through public awareness campaigns, Realtors® and residents can bring a strong and unified voice to government officials on issues affecting them. Funding to support IMF’s mission is gathered strictly from a portion of membership dues.
In the past, Issues Mobilization dollars have been used to:
- Alert the public to rental restrictions
- Oppose local rent control laws
- Advocate for open house sign ordinances
- Ensure residents can park by their properties without having to pay for a permit to do so
Contact Bruce Shapiro for more information or if there is an issue in your area you think NJ Realtors® should know about.

Impact of Tax Reform on Illustrative NJ Homeowners
A synopsis of the effects on New Jersey homeowners on the final version of federal tax reform law, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, as passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President in December of 2017.
Assessing the Impact of the House Tax Reform Plan on Illustrative New Jersey Homeowners
A synopsis of the effects on New Jersey homeowners on the original federal tax reform legislation, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, as approved by the House of Representatives in November of 2017.
Understanding the National Flood Insurance Program in New Jersey
A study of the history of the NFIP in the state and pricing, based on flood zones.
Examining Flood Map Changes in New Jersey
An in-depth look at the process of creating flood maps and the corresponding insurance rates in the state.
Local Government Consolidation: Analysis of Local Government Functions
The potential savings from consolidating local government units in New Jersey.
Local Government Consolidation: Analysis of Public School Districts
The potential savings from consolidating school districts in New Jersey.
Economic Impact of Property Tax Levy Caps
The effects on the New Jersey economy of the 2% cap on property tax levy growth.
Costs and Benefits of Residential Energy Efficiency Improvements
The economic costs and benefits associated with “green building” practices or techniques improving the energy efficiency of a home.
An Evaluation of Property Values in New Jersey Transit Villages
Has the state’s the state’s Transit Village initiative (and subsequent redevelopment) led to increased property values for home and business owners within the designated area of a Transit Village?
Immigration and the New Jersey Housing Market
A look at the immigration patterns of people moving in and out of New Jersey.
Seasonal Rental Tax Study
An analysis of the importance of seasonal rentals in New Jersey showing the impacts of a potential extension of the sales tax to these types of rentals.