Even with the best of intentions, planning and preparation, occasional disagreements arise between parties in a real estate transaction.
Not every real estate agent is a Realtor®. A real estate agent is a REALTOR® when he or she is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® and abides by its strict Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics imposes duties above and in addition to those enforced by law or regulation, which apply only to real estate professionals who choose to be Realtor® members. A member’s local board/associations of Realtors® is responsible for enforcing the Realtor® Code of Ethics.
If you feel a Realtor® has not conducted him/herself in accordance with the Code of Ethics, it is advised that you first discuss the matter with the Realtor® and the principal broker in his or her firm. If you are still not satisfied after discussing the matter, a member's local board of REALTORS® offers its members and their clients and customers a vehicle to economically expedite ethics complaints and/or arbitration requests without going to court.
As civil litigation becomes increasingly costly, it has become more effective to settle such disputes through alternative means, such as Ombudsman program, mediation or arbitration.
If you would like to proceed, please complete the fillable form below in its entirety. This is not the formal filing of a complaint but rather a verification process of membership. If the agent is a member of NJ Realtors®, you will receive the name and contact information of their local board/association. You must contact the member's local board/association to request an ombudsman, mediation, or to file the formal complaint. You will receive a response from us shortly after submission of the form.
If a real estate licensee is not a member of the New Jersey Realtors®, you must file a complaint with the New Jersey Real Estate Commission.
Please refer to the Code of Ethics for the year in which you believe the Code of Ethics may have been violated.