NJ Realtors® Weekly–Feb. 15

Published Feb 15, 2023

NJ Realtors® Weekly—Feb. 15

Top Story of the Week

Are You Interested in Presenting at #TP23?

The Triple Play Realtor® Convention & Trade Expo is accepting 2023 presentation applications now through March 24. This year's convention is Dec. 4-7, 2023 at the Atlantic City Convention Center.

Applicants will be asked to categorize their submissions by topics such as appraisal, commercial, professional development, technology, and more. Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your expertise and help educate New Jersey Realtors®Click here to apply.


Being a Member Has its Perks

Featured Question from NJ Realtors® Legal Resource Library

"I have an exclusive listing with a waiver of broker cooperation. My client does not want it listed in the MLS but would be willing to cooperate with another agency should we find the correct fit. Can I market this property on social media to the general public? Can I share flyers of this home with not just my office but other local brokers?" View the answer here.


State of the State

New Bill to Tackle Predatory Contracts

On Monday, A4962, which creates requirements for certain long-term real estate listing contracts, was voted out of the Assembly Regulated Professions Committee. This bill aims to tackle the issue of predatory contracts, which offer money upfront for the right to list a property for 40 years.

The legislation sets a five-year limit on the length of listing contracts and requires an option allowing the owners to terminate the contract by paying back the sum with interest.

NJ Realtors® supports this legislation and will continue to track it as it moves through the legislature.